

23 05月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生
英文译文:"Enlightenment from Dreams and Reality"

Yesterday, I devoted myself to the free physical examination activities for the elderly in the nursing home in Fuxing Town, Lezhi County, Ziyang City. This is a deeply meaningful experience that allows me to deeply appreciate the key points of caring for the health of the elderly.
However, after returning home at night, I fell into a strange dream. In the dream, I seemed to travel to the future and met my parents when I got off work near the hospital. They looked solemn and told me a heartbreaking news: my grandmother had already passed away.
This bad news was like a thunderbolt from a clear sky, which burst out in my heart. Pain and sadness like surging tides, instantly吞没ed me, and tears like a bursting dike, could not be contained.
In the dream, my mother's words were like an enlightening moment, she said: "People always need descendants, which is a kind of spiritual sustenance and feeling in marriage." This word reverberated in my mind, leading me to think deeply.
After waking up, the painful emotion still lingered in my heart. This dream made me deeply feel the impermanence and brevity of life, as the "Vajracchedika Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra" says: "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams, illusions, and bubbles." The departure of my grandmother made me suddenly realize the preciousness and irreplaceability of relatives.
At the same time, my mother's words also made me think about the true meaning of marriage and family. Descendants are not only the continuation of life, but also a kind of spiritual sustenance and emotional bond. Just as the "Vajracchedika Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra" says: "One should give rise to the mind without abiding anywhere." We should not be attached to the external form, but should understand the true meaning of family affection from the deep inside.
The interweaving of this dream and reality makes me cherish everyone around me more. I understand that in the limited time, I should do my best to accompany and care for my relatives, so that they can truly feel my love and care.
There will always be various unexpected things in life, but we can face and bear it through love. Although this dream made me extremely painful, it also made me more determined to cherish family affection and care for my family.
I am determined to guard those I cherish more carefully in real life. Whether it is the company on ordinary days or the support at critical moments, I will give my whole heart and soul.
I hope each of us can take care of those we care about in real life, let love always accompany us, and become the most solid support in our lives.
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致妙清:论人体自噬功能:益处与挑战并存 深入思索人性的复杂——从奇异梦境谈起


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  • 昨夜一梦…今顿悟…有感而发思绪萦绕心间~祝你和家人健康和平安!⛅🌱🍵
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